Entering the New Year

Lamentations 3:21  “This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. 

3:22  It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 

3:23  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

As we come to the end of another year of our Lord, many things have taken place, some of which we planned on and some which we were not expecting. Through everything, I am reminded that God’s Grace is sufficient and his Son Jesus Christ is the same yesterday to day and forever. As we enter into 2023 may we strive more diligently to embrace and make more room in our hearts for the heavenly things that the Lord has in store for us. I do not personally make new year resolutions but I am determined to increase my knowledge in the Word of God and to apply it more in my every day life for my Family, the Church that I pastor, the young people and coworkers that I am around each day and for my lost family, friends, and the stranger that I don’t know personally. Whatever this new year has in store, I know without a doubt that the Lord’s compassion fails not and are new every morning. May the Lord of Heaven through his Son Christ Jesus and by the Sweet Holy Spirit continue to bless you this New Coming Year of 2023. Be faithful and keep your trust in him. God is Faithful.

Pastor Shayne Monday, Mt. Carmel Freewill Baptist Church


Samson’s Thirst


“Birth of Christ”