
Youth Ministry

Mt. Carmel Youth Group Choir The Youth Choir is an active part in the Worship Service at Mt. Carmel. They also sing at Revival Services that Bro. Shayne is a part of and many other places when asked. We have a Youth Singing on the 5th Sunday Night and sometimes before.

Hallelujah Trails Christian Youth Camp

HTCYC is under the direction of Bro. Anthony Creselious, Pastor of Center Belle Baptist Church and Bro. Brian Thompkins, Pastor of D.O. Beaty Community Church. Camp takes place in the early part of June and is held at Pickett State Park for 5 days.

Vacation Bible School

Mt. Carmel hosts VBS at the end of July and we have classes and activities for all all ages, even Adults, Monday through Thursday. On Friday Night, we have a cookout for everyone and special activities outside for the youth.