“Faint, yet Pursuing”

"And Gideon came to Jordan, and passed over, he, and the three hundred men that were with him, faint, yet pursuing them."

~ Judges 8:4

"Faint, yet pursuing".

I love that little line at the end of verse 5, describing the condition of Gideon and his rag-tag army of 300 as they continued to chase after the wicked kings of Midian.

Faint, yet pursuing.

Tired, but still traveling.

Weary, but still working.

I sure can relate.

I don't know how you feel, but looking back on my life and ministry, from the day I accepted Christ as a six year old boy until today, it seems like I've been in "hand to hand" combat with the devil the entire time.

Battling feelings of unworthiness, inferiority, and discouragement, facing the storms of life and still trying to minister to others, all the while trying to give the appearance that I've "got it all together".

As much as we don't want to admit it , we as Christians are not immune to feelings of pain, heartache, guilt, depression and despair.

The longer we travel, the louder the enemy's whispers become: "Just quit, lay it down , turn back, it's not worth it."

Well, I just stopped today by with a word from the Lord for some discouraged traveler:

The devil is a liar.

It will be worth it all when we see Jesus! The trials of life will fade away when we get to God's promised land - a place where there will be no more pain, death, disappointment or discouragement.

Until then, I'm going to keep going.

I may be battered and bruised, and I may not look too pretty when I get there......

But I'm gonna get there.

So are you, my fellow traveler.

So for my Facebook status today, let's just say I'm:

"Faint, yet pursuing".

How about you?

This was copied from a post of Brother Jim McComas 8/21/24. He is the Executive Director/CEO at Free Will Baptist Family Ministries. He preaches Camp Meetings, Revivals, and many other Services and still fulfills his duties at Free Will Baptist Family Ministries. Wonderful man of God. May I not faint and keep pursuing.

Pastor Shayne Monday, Mt. Carmel Freewill Baptist Church


Encouraging Word for Today 8/12/24