Pastors Challenge 2

          I am thinking once again of all the upcoming Services that we all can be a part of. It is a great opportunity to reach out to those who need a Saviour and to show the Love and Compassion that Jesus has put into the hearts of each one of us here at Mt. Carmel. Bible School will affect a young persons life, for we know that if we attended one in our youth they are certain Bible verses, activities, and people who come to mind. Homecoming is a great time just to enjoy all the goodness of the Lord and to get others who may have used to come to come back and visit with us. Also it happens right after Bible School so a Family that may be searching for a place to come might start. Revival is a time that we commit ourselves to the Lord and ask for Reviving that we may be strengthened and stirred in our spirit and soul and stand strong against the enemy. You know what I am writing about, be ready!! Family and Friends Day happens right before Thanksgiving and what a Service to be thankful for Family and our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I hope we see the Pews packed and have to get out chairs. Youth Sunday is a special Service for us also here at Mt. Carmel and we will be getting it scheduled in the days to come. So with these Services what about all the other ones. They are important. To many spiritual things are dying and we all, including myself, need to continue in the things which we have learned and have been assured of. As long as the Lord allows us to be on this earth, there is a Generation following that needs to see and understand the importance of the Church that was established by those we read about in the book of Acts and all the examples we find in the True Word of God from Genesis to Revelation. Thank God for that and the Generation that affected and still affects us.


In Distress? Encourage Yourself


Pastor’s Challenge