Pastor’s Challenge


     As we look ahead to the upcoming services, let us all begin to diligently pray for each service that we may see the unsaved come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Each service is a great opportunity (open door) for each one of US to invite a family member, friend, coworker or classmate to come and be with us. It takes time and perseverance to persuade them to come but if we all commit in our heart to try, I know the Lord will Bless the effort and we can see fruit come from it. Time is getting shorter and I know the devil is trying to hinder us all from being the witness that we (I) should be but remember that “Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.” We can make a difference in a life. The Lord has supplied us with everything we need here at Mt .Carmel to be a soul winning station. With that being said, let’s not forget about each other to pray, encourage, and help one another that we all may continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We need each other. In the multitude of counselors there is safety. There are things on my heart that I know we can accomplish here for the cause of Christ even in this evil time that we live in. Enjoy your salvation, be a labourer in the field, Be a doer of the word not a hearer only. We have Jesus on our side and the devil can’t do anything about that. I truly love each one here and my prayer is that the Lord will help us all to do his will. It’s a great battle but the Lord is our Captain. God Bless each one.

Pastor Shayne Monday


Pastors Challenge 2

