“At Thy Word” Part 1

Luke 5:5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down thy net.

The word toil means to labour and work; to exert strength with pain and fatigued of body and mind; to put forth an effort.

The disciples had fished all night and had caught nothing. No doubt they were tired and wanting to get things done so that they might go and rest. They had come to shore and began washing their nets. Jesus was by the lake and was being pressed by the people to hear the word of God. (I still believe they are people even today in 2020 and into 2021 who have a desire to hear the Word of God. I preach to many of them.) Christ entered into Simon’s ship and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from land so he might teach the people. (We as Christians need to be taught the Word of God. Thank the Lord for teacher’s who labour and toil seeking the Lord’s wisdom and guidance on what should be said and how it should be said so that we might learn and grow spiritually from it. Thank God for Preachers who seek the leadership of the Holy Spirit to preach the right message for the right season. That’s why as Preachers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we need to be instant in season and out of season.)

Jesus told Simon to Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. Much time had been given to cleaning the nets for the next time they would go out to fish and now they had been told by Jesus to go back out.

Have you ever thought that you had done everything that was possible to help someone in need or even do something in the Church setting and felt like nothing had been accomplished. You started putting everything back to be used later but then the presence of the Lord just overwhelmed you and instructed you to do it again and at his Word you started the task all over.

When Christ bids us to do something that I think, Lord I have already tried that, ( and I stress I) and nothing seemed to be accomplished, that is when we have hope that the Lord is in it and something will come from it.

The prophet Isaiah said in Isaiah 50:4, “The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary:”

Some have a desire to hear the Word, some do not. Don’t be discouraged Brother or Sister in Christ if you feel like you have not caught anything with your net because Christ comes on his time and when he says to you to drop the net again, drop it and he will fill it. God Bless You and I hope that you have a Merry Christmas. (Part 2 to come) Bro. Shayne


“At Thy Word” Part 2


Pleasing the Lord