“At Thy Word” Part 2

I would like to leave you with a few final thoughts from this passage of scripture in Luke 5:1-11.

  1. When we have rested all night, let us not forget those who haved toiled all night for the Gospel. Many spend long hours in prayer, study, and traveling just to get the Word out. I know they do it because of the calling from the the Lord that came to them but if we are saved we are to support them because each child of God is called, and chosen, and faithful. (Rev. 17:14)

  2. Some callings are more toilsome and perilous than others. In (2 Cor. 11:24-28) you will find a list of the sufferings of the Apostle Paul. I may go through some of these but I don’t think I will ever suffer what Paul suffered. Read this when you think you have taken all you can for the cause of Christ and I am certain you will see, wait, I am not going through all these things that Paul suffered. By the way, he had the care of all the churches. Pray for your Pastors and support them. They have the care of you upon them.

  3. The net broke, but they lost nothing. I have many thoughts on this but I will leave you with just leave a few.

    (A) They called for help and others came and filled both ships.(There are many churches that stand on the Word of God but we all make up one Body of Christ. We should be able to fellowship and help each other for the cause of Christ)

    (B) In verse 10, Christ told them, “Fear not: from henceforth thou shalt catch men.” We need to catch those that are lost, (Let you light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.) and then let the Lord Jesus Christ clean them.

    (C) This last thought goes back to the Lake (Sea). If I am correct on my study of this, there could have been around 4000 ships that fished in this area. I said that to say this, you are needful to someone out there that needs to hear and see the good news of Christ. Use your calling for his name sake and the Lord will be with you.

God Bless you once again. Hope these few thoughts have encouraged you in your walk with Christ. Bro. Shayne


“Hearing” Part 1


“At Thy Word” Part 1