“What doesn’t Change”

I haven’t wrote anything since November so I was meditating and thinking what I should write for my first post on my Pastors Blog for the New Year of 2022. I began reading Bro. Randy Maynard’s Preacher’s Ponders that he does every week. (He is Assistant Pastor at Crossville First Freewill Baptist Church). After reading his post, I decided to share it. I hope that it is a blessing to you as it was to me.

Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

As I write this we are just a few hours into a New Year. We have just come out of a great New Years Eve service where the Lord blessed us. I had these thoughts on my heart and had to try to put to paper what I was feeling.

As we start a New Year many have made resolutions to make changes in their lives such as loosing weight, getting more physically fit or getting a better control of their finances in the days to come. While all these are good many times the resolutions are broken within just a short period of time. But there are somethings that never change.

Our scripture says that the Lord never changes. So if He never changes, I think we can safely say His word never changes. There are other things that never change;

Ecclesiastes 3:2 says that there is a time to be born and a time to die, so we know that there will be births and deaths and that never changes.

Knowing that death is certain according to scripture:

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

If death is sure to come to all men this has never changed death is certain. But it is what happens at death that really matters and that has never changed. You will find yourself in one of two places, in a place called hell that was created for the devil and his angels or you will be present with the Lord. This has never changed. In order to be with the Lord you must be born again, this takes place by believing in Christ Jesus and confessing Him as Lord according to Scripture. If you fail to do this you are lost, it doesn’t matter how many good works you have done, how much money you have given to churches, without Christ you are lost. There awaits those that are lost a place described as being a place of flames, darkness and a place where you never die or ever escape its torment. But if you are saved you are going to a place of comfort and peace.

There are many more things that never change but these are the ones that I can’t get off my mind:

God never changes

His word never changes

Life & Death

Saved or Lost and how you are saved



All these never change and are the most important things in this life.

Stick with the One that never changes and His promises that never change.

Have a great day!


JANUARY 3, 2022


“Be Steadfast”


“Who does sin affect” (Part 3)